Home Remedies For Acne Treatment I Trust And Recommend

Almost every other girl has had an acne issue. Some just have it worse than the others. For the unfortunate ones, with severe acne, visiting the dermatologists for professional treatment is the only solution. Others who have small and infrequent breakouts can find help using at home remedies for acne that works just well if not as fast.

But before you can get rid of acne, you need to understand different types of acne so you can deal with it appropriately.Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

What Causes Acne?

Acne breakouts are caused by an unhealthy or imbalanced diet, poor or unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes, stress, genetics, or periods. Usually, it occurs when the skin pores get clogged with dead skin cells, dirt, or oil. When white blood cells attack acne, it causes the skin to inflame and redden. The most common symptoms of acne are whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples.This is one of the most common skin ailments and its conventional acne treatments at dermatologists are rather expensive. Not to forget the undesirable side effects such as dryness, redness, or irritation.Hence, many people are now looking for acne remedies from home,  to avoid side effects from chemical products.Known home remedies that work in treating acne:Apple Cider Vinegar:Home Remedies For Acne TreatmentMade from fermented apple cider (or from the unfiltered juice of pressed apples). It is capable of fighting various kinds of microorganisms like bacterias and viruses. It contains organic acids (primarily succinic acid) that can remove acne. Succinic acid can reduce inflammation and prevent scarring. Apple cider vinegar is also able to dry up the excess oil on the skin which is one of the main causes behind breakouts. Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries and is considered a cure-all for many ailments.To treat acne with cider vinegar

  • Take Apple Cider Vinegar with water in 1:3 ratio respectively. You can use more water for sensitive skin types.
  • Use clean cotton and dab the mixture onto the affected areas. Let it sit for 10-20 seconds and then rinse with water. Only repeat the process once or twice a day.
  • Do not overdo this treatment while using it at home. Apple Cider Vinegar can cause burns and irritation if used in concentrated form or overused.

Always use it in small amounts and dilute it with water. Apple cider vinegar for acne treatment works, you just have to be patient because unlike shop-bought products, homemade skincare products take time to show results.Zinc Supplement: It is an essential nutrient for cell growth, production of hormones, metabolism as well as the functioning of the immune system. People with lower levels of zinc in their blood are more prone to developing acne. Zinc taken orally helps in reducing acne. The optimal dosage, however, is yet to be established. The recommended upper limit is 40mg in a day. Honey And Cinnamon Mask

Honey and cinnamon benefits are endless from weight loss to sleep aid but that`s not here and now.

Honey and Cinnamon are two of the best sources of antioxidants. The application of antioxidants onto the skin can be more effective in reducing acne than using benzoyl peroxide and retinoids.

I mentioned using benzoyl peroxide to remove acne in an earlier post here if you missed it.

Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial properties. Honey and cinnamon can fight bacteria and help in reducing skin inflammation neutralizing the two factors that cause acne.

To make a Honey and Cinnamon face mask for acne:

  • Take 2 tbsps of honey and 1tbsps of cinnamon. Mix them to form a paste.
  • Cleanse your skin well and then apply the paste to your face evenly. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off with water.

Tea Tree Oil Acne Treatment:The essential oil extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia which is a small tree native to Australia. It is well-known for fighting bacteria and reducing skin inflammation. Applying 5% of tea tree oil to your skin can effectively reduce acne.Tea tree oil has few side effects if there are any. It is especially effective in treating acne scars. It acts as an antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It soothes skin infections, redness, and itchiness.How to treat acne with Tea Tree Oil

  • Take tea tree oil with water in a 1:9 ratio respectively. This oil is very potent and is needed to be diluted before applying to the skin.
  • Use a cotton ball to dab the mixture on the affected area.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a day as per your needs. 

Green Tea: Now did it surprise you that you can use green tea to treat acne? It is chock full of antioxidants and you should be drinking green tea for clear skin.Applying green tea directly can help treat acne. It contains flavonoids and tannins that help in fighting bacteria as well as reducing skin inflammation.Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (or EGCG) is the main antioxidant in green tea. It helps in reducing sebum production, fighting skin inflammation as well as inhibiting the growth of P. acnes.(P acne explained in detail here) Green Tea in acne treatment

  1. Put green tea in boiling water for at least 3-4 minutes.
  2. Allow it to cool down.
  3. Then using a cotton ball dab it on the affected areas.
  4. Let it dry and then rinse it off with water. 

Witch Hazel:Extracted from the bark and the leaves of Hamamelis Virginians, witch hazel shrub found in North America.It consists of tannins that have strong antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. 

Witch hazel can treat a wide range of skin conditions like eczema, burns, dandruff, varicose veins, bruises, acne, and insect bites.

Applying witch hazel directly to the skin can help in fighting bacteria, reducing skin inflammation as well as help with healing.

Witch Hazel for acne treatment

  • Take 1 tbsp witch hazel in 1 cup of water
  • Let it soak for half an hour and then boil the mixture.
  • Lower the flame and let the mixture simmer and cook for about 10 minutes.
  •  Strain and store in a sealed container.
  • Later, use a cotton ball to dab the mixture on a cleansed ski9n once or twice a day.

Aloe Vera:A tropical plant that is well-known for treating skin ailments. Its leaves produce a clear gel which is often used in formulating beauty products such as skin lotions, face creams, ointments, and even soaps. 

Maybe some of the treatments above are new to you but I`m sure you know of aloe vera acne treatment as this is the most widely used.

It is most commonly used in treating skin abrasions, skin rashes, burns, and other types of skin conditions. It has healing properties and can fight inflammation.

Salicylic acid and Sulfur found in aloe vera are very effective in the treatment of acne.

Just scrape the aloe vera gel from the aloe plant leaf with a spoon. Apply it directly to the skin as you would a moisturizer. Repeat the process once or twice a day.Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

Other At-Home Remedies For Treating Acne

Honey And Turmeric:One of the simplest, super-effective as well as inexpensive ingredients for treating acne. It is an astringent, skin exfoliant and an effective antibacterial agent. It helps in unclogging the pores by removing dead skin cells and helps in drying out any active acne. You can mix lemon juice with honey or even rosewater. Apply the solution twice daily onto the affected areas. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Mixing with rosewater gives a less acidic and gentler mix.OatmealOne of the best at-home remedies for treating acne scars. It is a natural antioxidant that expels skin inflammation-causing cytokines. I have a post on using oatmeal for sun-damaged skin at home, check here if you missed it. It treats itchiness, skin dryness, and removes dead skin. It has active zinc that targets bacteria and helps in balancing the skin’s natural oils. An oatmeal mask can be made with carriers such as milk, honey, or even coconut water.Conclusion On Home Remedies For Acne TreatmentAcne is a common skin problem that has several underlying causes. Identifying the causes is what helps in choosing an effective treatment plan. At-home natural remedies, unlike conventional treatments, do not usually cause dryness, redness, and skin irritation and they are very effective as well. The home remedies listed above may not work for everyone out there but they are worth a try. In case of severe acne, it is best to consult a dermatologist. If you like the article, do share it on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by clicking on the icons below. Leave us a comment and tell us which home remedy works for you. 

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