How To Make Homemade Moisturizer

You might be asking why to learn how to make homemade moisturizers? or why make any in the first place when you can easily and cheaply buy any skin moisturizer you choose.

Well … in spite of there being so many beauty products on the market today.

There’s nothing more satisfying, affordable, and money-saving than making your own homemade face cream so im going to show you gow to make home made moisturizer.

You`ll know exactly what ingredient went into your moisturizer or any other product you are using to cleanse or hydrate your skin, you can reduce and increase ingredients to exactly suit your needs now.

It`s more convenient than feeling tied down to that expensive product you bought that you can`t just accept leaving half-finished even though you feel it`s not working for you.

The post will not be in any specific order, but I will share with you all the homemade moisturizers and how you need to get started.

Once you have the know-how, you can make any Moisturizer of your choice and needs,from dry skin to sensitive skin,the beauty of home made moisturizer is that you don`t have to stick to specific ingredients.

Just as different moisturizers are available in shops, you too can create anything and everything.

So let’s take a look at how to make homemade skin moisturizer, along with affordable, easy-to-come-across ingredients you may care to use.

Homemade Natural Hair Moisturizer Recipes

There are homemade moisturizing hair treatments with natural ingredients.

To take care of your tresses, you don`t have to stop at skin moisturizers, once you have the ingredients and products you need, get experimenting.
Now I know you’ve probably moisturized your hair many times in the past with shop-bought products, but you are left wondering if the treatment really works.

Homemade natural hair or artificial hair moisturization replenishes moisture (water) that your hair loses – due to external aggressions such as windand pollution.

Hairstyling products such as hair dryers, flat irons, curling irons, straighteners, relaxers, perms, dyes all make your hair weak in time,

Now it’s time to learn a few powerful recipes to make your hair shiny and silky in an easy, convenient way.

You know what they say, “hair is your crown.” Keep it looking good and feeling strong with this homemade hair moisturizer that’s free of harmful chemicals.

If you have dry, brittle hair or the ends of your tresses feel like straw and break off.

Avocado hair moisturizer is perfect for restoring moisture without weighing down on top of a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner!

The avocados will leave soft waves in their place that shine all day long – no tangles allowed with our secret weapon:
Put a half ripe and soft avocado in a bowl, add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil plus grapeseed oil (this varies depending on your hair length)mix everything together until smooth.

Once ready apply the mixture to hair from roots to ends making sure everything is properly covered.

Cover the hair with a plastic shower cap like this one, leave on for approximately 45 minutes(make it longer if you can) once the time has elapsed, wash clean.Go ahead and try this easy recipe.

Homemade Moisturizers For Dry Skin

Ingredients in the recipes for DIY moisturizers for dry skin and all DIY moisturizers for that matter are easily available on the market and you might already have some at home.

Having said that, it`s wise to make just enough, these are homemade products, so they do not have long shelf life compared to products you buy.

Now it`s important to understand that you should make as much or as little.

This being a moisturizer you make, you can vary the ingredients too depending on the quantity you want.

You`ll need:

  • Cocoa butter
  • Carrot seed Oil
  • unrefined shea butter
  • Aloe Vera Oil
  • rose water
  • Myrrh Essential Oil(do not use if you are pregnant or nursing)
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Geranium Essential Oil
  • Sandalwood Essential Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  •  Vitamin e oil
  • Aragan Oil

Now you don`t have to use all of these essential oils in one go, you are free to use what you choose. But feel free to use any, just mix up a small amount with carrier oils.

As simple as these are, you`ll notice a difference in your skin texture. Do not underestimate the basic ingredients,they work brilliantly.

You may like:

Coconut oil benefits

How to use Essential oils on skincare

Best Homemade Moisturizer For Oily Skin

Unlike the common belief of many that oily skin is already oily and does not need moisturizing, not moisturizing your skin will make your skin think it needs moisture so it will just produce more oil.

The best way to care for your oily skin is by cleaning, toning, and moisturizing every day.

For oily skin, it`s important that you use homemade moisturizers that are not heavy or that will make your skin feel greasy.

  • Jojoba Essential Oil
  • Rosehip Oil
  • Rose Essential Oil
  • Almond Essential Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Aragan Oil

Again mix any Essential Oil you choose with a carrier oil of your choice and apply it to your face twice a day,you do not need all the oils mentioned, I put them all here so you can pick and choose.

Homemade Moisturizer For Sensitive skin

The perfect way to make your own moisturizer for sensitive skin, without any negative side effects! This DIY recipe will keep dry patches at bay.

You know that your skin is the most precious thing in life, don’t you? Well, this DIY moisturizer will make it even more special.

Use two tablespoons each of shea butter and cocoa butter mixed with four teaspoons of olive oil for an ultra-rich lotion perfect for dry or sensitive complexions alike!

If you feel like your sensitive skin is not doing well? Don’t worry, we’ve got the perfect solution for that!

All it takes are some simple ingredients and a little guidance from our kit.

There’s no need to go out looking or spending money on anything else because this DIY moisturizer will work just as good if not better than any other product available at stores.

For a Homemade DIY moisturizer for sensitive skin, you’ll need

  • Almond Essential Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Rose Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Jojoba Essential Oil
  • Rosehip Oil
  • Rose Essential Oil
  • Almond Essential Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Aragan Oil

Now as you can see from the ingredients above, almost all Essential oils are similar so if you want something else, just experiment.

Now our blog as you know is about skincare, the DIY hair moisturizer is a one-off so we`ll now check at different DIY moisturizers for the skin.

create a moisturizer from home

Some of these ingredients you might already have at home or are very affordable from your local  natural foods stores.

Ingredients like Honey is something you already have in your kitchen.

Aloe vera might already be in your back garden.

Teatree oil is again something most of us do have at home and so is the case with the other Essential oils we`ll mention here.

We already mentioned some other uses of essential oils in an earlier post that you can check here is you missed it.

If you don`t have any of the mentioned products, don`t worry, we`ll give you links to other easy and effective home beauty recipes at the end of the page 

How To Make Homemade moisturizer

Essential oils

Who’s not heard of essential oils?

For those of you who are unsure of what they are, essential oil is a liquid that’s distilled from different elements of a plant – leaves, stems, bark, flowers, and roots.

In spite of their name, essential oils are not oily at all, but clear liquids, though some may look yellow or amber.

The name does confuse many people and they think essential oils are oily/fatty. This is not the case.

These oils contain the very essence of the plant they come from.

Essential oils will be of tremendous benefit to your physiological system.

They’re known to help cell regeneration, act as an antiseptic, and have anti-inflammatory and other healing effects not to mention working really well on dry winter skin .

For all these reasons, they’ve become more and more popular in natural skincare, each one having its own particular forte.

Tea tree oil, for example, is renowned for its antiseptic and anti-Artizen Tea Tree Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural - UNDILUTED) Therapeutic Grade - Huge 1oz Bottle - Perfect for Aromath...fungal properties. Pour a few drops into a foot bath to aid toenails problems … use to treat uneven skin pigmentation … as an aid to acne or oily skin.

Side effects of tea tree oil in skincare

Although used in many skincare products, side effects of tea tree oil in cosmetics include skin irritation and allergic reactions.

You can choose to leave out tea tree oil when making homemade skin cream.

The side effects of using products with the ingredient “tea tree” may cause mild to severe rashes, itching, burning sensations on the scalp or face.

Despite the side effects, tea tree oil is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, and anti-viral.

This is the main reason it is effective in healing wounds and skin conditions.

Gentle rose oil is suitable for treating different types of eczema and will benefit mature skins.

How To Make Homemade Moisturizer With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

is often present in skincare products as it’s a wonderfully gentle healer and improves such conditions as dry skin, eczema, sunburn …

Commercially, you’ll find it in many shampoos, conditioners and body lotions, as well as products that can be taken internally in drink form.

If you live in a warm climate such as Spain, like me, aloe vera plants are easily obtainable and extremely easy to grow.

Just cut off one of its leaves, slice open, and rub the gel direct onto your skin.

Aloe Vera is used in many natural skin care recipes as it gives brilliant results.

Or, scrape the gooey gel out, and mix together in your food processor with other ingredients to make a natural moisturizer, cleanser or mask suitable for your skin type.

How to make natural moisturizers – products in your kitchen

One of the most important things you can do in order to enjoy beautiful hair and skin is to eat a healthy and varied diet.

So, you’re bound to have an abundance of healthy food in your kitchen, aren’t you?!

These products are wonderful for you when taken internally … but they will also benefit skin and complexion if applied externally.

For example …

  • Honey works as a wound healer, calming to sensitive skin, and masks based on it are very good for dry skin.
  • Yogurt and avocado pears also work wonders in masks for mature or dry skins.
  • Cucumber and lemon are more astringent, and better in recipes for younger or more oily complexions.
  • Cucumber slices are excellently placed on your eyes, as are slices of potatoes.
  • Fruit slices can be applied to the face for an invigorating effect after a hectic day at work, but fruit juice and pulp can also be combined with other natural ingredients to prepare face and body creams and moisturizers.
  • Extra virgin olive oil is an absolute “must”!…

Mix half-a-cup together with either a couple of spoons of sugar or sea salt for a wonderfully gentle and effective exfoliant.

Or, just rub extra virgin olive oil into dry or mature skins … its moisturizing effects are superb use with  essential oils of choice!

…And those are just a few examples of natural products you can experiment with at home.

Other items you may need are: 

  • orange flower water, incredible essential oils
  • unrefined shea butter
  • orange flower water
  •  different essential oils
  •  vitamin e oil
  • oil mixture
  • natural emulsifier
  • grated beeswax
  • essential oils of choice
  • grapeseed oil
  • sweet almond oil,

How to make natural moisturizers – storing

Home-made moisturizers are clean without preservatives so they might have a short shelf life.

The only disadvantage to homemade products is you must store them with extra care, for they don’t last as long as commercially prepared ones, which contain preservatives.

For this reason, don’t prepare large amounts and keep any leftovers in the fridge.

Since these are moisturizers you can prepare for yourself in your kitchen with homemade recipes, there should not be a fear of running out.

Conclusion on How To Make DIY Moisturizer

You might be thinking, why would someone want to make their own moisturizer? Well, there are a few reasons.

First of all, you can tailor the ingredients for what type of skincare needs you have and also save money in purchase cost by making it yourself at home with just two or three essential oils that cost pennies per use!

You may even find different ways of using these same oils on other parts of your body like hair (essential oil diffusers anyone?).

People generally fall into one group: those who believe they need something special; another segment including DIYers ready willing & able – so here’s how…

Really there are many reasons to make your own moisturizer. Perhaps you want the natural ingredients.

Sometimes store-bought are just not strong enough for sensitive skin- either way there is an easy solution with our DIY recipes!

I hope you found this post useful if you have any questions, please do leave me a message.

Sources: Nih on What are essential oils?

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