Freckles, liver spots and other unpleasant dark spots on our face are not appreciated by anyone. Melanin, the chemical that gives our skin its color and producing too much of it, unfortunately, is what causes all of this unpleasant discoloration.
They mostly appear on the parts of our bodies that are most likely to be exposed to the sun such as our hands, shoulders, face and arms.
According to studies, they are most common in people over the age of 40, however, they can appear on the skin of people of all ages. This post will show you tips on how to remove dark spots from the skin using home remedies that you may already have in your home.
What causes this discoloration?
Trauma to the skin causes skin discoloration. Too much exposure to the sun, acne, hormonal problems, digestive problems and/or aging can cause our skin to change color.
This is why it is recommended to see a dermatologist prior to trying any of the below mentioned natural remedies.
Although normally, dark spots are not a life-threatening condition, it is preferable that you know the cause of them because sometimes, hyperpigmentation can be provoked by more serious reasons. has covered different skin conditions here.
6 Unique Ways To Remove Dark Spots From The Skin
Women today dream of beautiful and healthy looking skin. Although there are many beauty clinics that offer various treatments like microdermabrasion that will help get rid of dark brown spots, there are also many natural ways that exist today that is recommended by women from all over the world.
- -Citric acid, found d in lemons, is known to have a lightening effect on the skin. Squeezing the juice out of the lemon and scrubbing the face with it on a daily basis can help eliminate dark spots on our face.
- -Apply fresh aloe gel to the skin once or twice daily. This gel is known to contain chemicals that help reduce and even remove dead skin cells all the while, promoting new ones.Read more here
- -Horseradish and vinegar are also known to lighten dark spots. Simply grate fresh horseradish and add ¼ cup of vinegar and let it sit and allow it to absorb for approximately 2 weeks. Using it 2-3 times per day directly on your dark spots has also been recognized to lighten the skin.
- –Castor oil (buy from here to get free shipping)contains anti-inflammatory and acidic properties. Applying it to the skin twice daily can help reduce and lighten brown spots.As well as reducing brown spots, Castor oil acts as anti-aging and can help reduce acne scars more
- -Lemon and benzoin essential oils have moderate bleaching properties that may help get rid of freckles and liver spots. Adding two to three drops of either one of these two oils along with an equal amount of high-quality vegetable oil then applying the mixture to the dark spots once daily can greatly contribute to brightening the skin.
- -If you are looking for a soothing natural facial mask, cooked oatmeal and lemon is a pretty popular way to brighten the skin. Follow the oatmeal recipe to serve one portion, cook it then let it cool down for approximately 20 minutes. Then, add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to it.
Apply the mixture to the face and let it sit for approximately thirty minutes. Finish by washing off the mask from your face and pat it dry. Repeating this every week can be very beneficial for illuminating your skin.
Honey and milk are amazing home remedies for the treatment of dark spots. It is recommended that you use sour milk as it helps the lightening of the skin without irritating it.
Mixing the two together and applying it as a facial mask once per week will eventually result to a lightening of the spots.
How To Avoid Dark Spots
According to the CNN website, our skin produces melanin as a protective mechanism against all of the harmful environmental factors that exist today. There are many ways that we can help prevent the appearance of dark spots to our skin.
Exposure to UV radiation is known to being the number one cause in the appearance of brown spots. (read more on harmful effects from exposure to ultraviolet here) Because of this, it is preferable and strongly recommended by dermatologists to avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible.
If you feel that it is necessary to be exposed to the sun, then, avoid exposure between 10 am and 3 pm as the sun is at its strongest between these times. Make sure that you stay in the shade as much as possible and always use sunscreen.
Use one with a skin protection factor of at least 30spf or higher. Applying it at least half an hour prior to exposure is more beneficial as the cream has time to sink into the skin. Remember to re-apply after heavy perspiration and/or swimming.
Stay away from sunlamps and UV beds. They give off the same UV radiation that the sun does. According to the skin cancer foundation, any form of tanning can lead to premature skin aging.
Sadly, this can lead to skin cancer. Indoor UV tanners are 74% more likely to get skin cancers compared to people who have never tanned in tanning beds.
If the dark spots are caused by acne or sores, avoid picking at them. This can cause scarring and scarring lead to dark spots. Stay away from alcohol based products and strong soaps as they both irritate the skin.
We are all born with beautiful healthy glowing skin, however, as we get older, there are certain things that we must do to preserve it.
Lowering our stress levels is greatly important for maintaining our fresh looking skin. Skin conditions like acne and eczema are mostly stress related. Stress is also related to indulging in certain junk foods that are not necessarily good for the body, nor for the skin read more here.
With that being said, it is extremely important that we eat healthy foods, exercise, drink lots of water and avoid the sun. Getting into the habit of living a healthy lifestyle will definitely result is better-looking skin and consequently, reduce the appearance dark spots.
If you are looking for quicker and easier ways to remove dark spots microdermabrasion works well is painless and there is no timeout, check my facial microdermabrasion advice here to learn more.
If you have any questions, please do leave me a message, I hope you found my tips on how to remove dark spots from the skin useful if you did, please do share on social media, sharing is caring.

That lemon one is good. I have tried it & it gives ?% results. Thank you.
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