Skin whitening treatments and skin lightening have become very popular and needful as new technology, as well as ancient techniques, are arising.
Skin bleaching is well practiced but you find that it`s not much talked about.
There are many chemical or herbal skin-lightening treatments (skin-whitening home remedies) that are been practiced these days.
Whether old or young, men or women all want to look beautiful and younger with fairer skin after these treatments without much regard for potential risks.
As the hunt for permanent skin whitening treatment continues, the only question needed to be asked is:
Are Skin Whitening Treatments Safe?
Before we get into skin whitening products, we`ll first tackle exactly what skin whitening, skin bleaching or skin lightening is really and also look at the side effects because not all beauty products are safe.
At the end of this post, you can make an informed decision if skin bleaching is for you and we`ll also look at some skin concerns when bleaching and whitening your skin.
What is Skin Whitening?
Skin whitening or skin lightening (whatever you prefer to call it that pleases you)is all about enhancing the tone of the skin to make it look radiant, healthy less melanin, and youthful.(some think of it that way).
One may undergo skin whitening treatments to get a new, healthier, younger, and more charming look.
The idea is to reduce the amount of melanin levels in the skin to enhance the beauty of both men and women. Removal of dead skin is the major step taken in these treatments.
These treatments can be done by people of all ages with proper consultation with a dermatologist. Check more on how skin lightening works here.
Types of Skin Whitening Treatments
Cosmetic and herbal are the two main types of skin whitening treatments available in the market.
Cosmetic treatments include laser therapies performed by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist mostly using injectable skin whitening methods.
These treatments may term to be costly giving good results in a short time.
The herbal skin treatments can be done in clinics and certified skin studios and spas. These may be less costly than cosmetic treatments.
Some traditionally approved and proven home remedies or homemade therapies skin lighteners are also known to work well as skin fairness treatments go.
These treatments are known to use natural products for lightening the skin.
Facial skin whitening treatments include lightening the skin of the face and the neck. There are treatments for the whole body lightning too because basically, skin lightening is about melanin pigment reduction.
Now to be, these are my go-to for skin bleaching
Herbal Skin Whitening Treatments
Herbal skin whitening treatments are much easier with slow effects. These are treatments where natural products like lemon juice are used to brighten the skin.
As a result, you get glowing skin and hence they give good results in more time but anyway you choose to have to care of your skin because your lifestyle also affects your skin.
At-home and herbal skin treatments can be cheaper than laser treatments.
Chemical Bleaching of Skin
Treating the skin with chemical bleach can also enhance its texture.
However, these skin whitening treatments should be done moderately and under the guidance of an expert beautician or clinical person to avoid skin problems in the future.
Bleaching the skin chemically also reduces the percentage of concentrated melanin in the skin, making it look brighter.
Glutathione Skin Lightening Treatments
Gluta is an anti-oxidant that is already present in the human body. Glutathione injections are used for skin whitening treatments.
This skin-lightening procedure is done by Injecting gluten into the human body and reduces melanin growth, thus, making the skin look brighter.
The damaged cells of the skin are removed to lighten the skin naturally.
Hydroquinone Skin Treatment 
The hydroquinone component is used effectively for stopping melanin production or it can be used to lighten the dark patches of skin after sun exposure.
It also has strong antioxidant properties that help enhance the skin by removing dead cells, rejuvenating the cells, and reducing the percentage of melanin in the skin thus dark skin tones appear lighter.
Skin discoloration is visibly reduced, and fine lines are less noticeable even after sun damage.
Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment
Use a diamond at the tip of the wand and remove the outer layer of the skin.
This helps remove the dead and damaged cells of the skin leaving you with fresh healthy skin. Check more on microdermabrasion here.
Now you should understand that microdermabrasion is a non-invasive way of removing the upper skin (epidermis) without causing any skin irritation thus leaving you with fresh youthful skin. It`s not skin-lightening but it`s very effective without serious side effects.
This skin-lightening treatment includes the application of liquid nitrogen that freezes skin lesions.
This destructs the darker skin cells and helps the growth of new cells that lightens the skin.
Are Skin Whitening Treatments Safe?
People worldwide are undergoing various types of skin whitening treatments.
These treatments are popular not only among celebrities but, also among the common people.
These treatments are considered to be safe when done with prior tests, precautions, and in the guidance of experts.
The experts analyze the skin history, skin sensitivity, texture, and other important factors before performing the treatments.
Cosmetic skin fairness treatments may have some side effects, however, when done by an expert, may reduce the level of side effects.
Common problems with laser skin whitening treatments are-
- Skin infections
- Skin weakening
- Swelling
- Skin dryness
- Acne formation
- Redness of the skin.
- Itching
- Irritations
- Burning
- Scarring
- A mild feeling of sunburn
- Change in the skin pigmentation
- These are not permanent results(you have to top up) your treatment from time to time
Why Do People Use Skin Whitening Creams?
The most common reason for the use of these creams would be to eliminate scarring that can be the result of injuries, skin disorders, surgeries, acne, medical conditions, or other discoloration of the structure of the skin.
What many people do not realize is that over time, with continual exposure to the sun, scars of all kinds will get darker and more noticeable.
Can Skin Whiteners Be Dangerous?
Since there is no real problem with having hyperpigmentation, other than the fact that it can be optically unaccepted, you probably do not want to put your health at risk by using skin whitening and cosmetic treatment methods that could be potentially dangerous.
A look at some of the ingredients on many over-the-counter skin whiteners, you will see that they contain a variety of ingredients that you may not want to put on your skin just for a lighter complexion and fair skin.
Hydroquinone, mercury, parabens, or steroids. Ideally, to protect both your skin and your organs, you should use topical treatments and topical products that do not contain those ingredients.
Are There Any Skin Lightening Creams That Are Safe?
Traditionally, there have been many over-the-counter skin lightening products that have been used by people of all colors, and for many different reasons.
However, in recent years many of these products have been found to include various ingredients that are potentially very dangerous not only to the skin but the entire body.
One product that has been shown to be equally effective without causing skin damage and negative side effects and without containing unnecessary dangerous ingredients, is Meladerm.
This is a highly effective skin lightening and whitening product that can be used on all types of hyperpigmentation, including acne scars, melasma, and sunspots.
User Review
When you check user reviews you`ll find that many of the people chose this product because they want to steer clear of hydroquinone(which is banned in many counties you can read more here).
But this product has 10,188 positive user reviews that you can read here with a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Looking For Solutions to Skin Whitening?
A qualified and experienced doctor would certainly lessen these effects and help with the best results without much discomfort.
The risks can be minimized with proper consultation and precautions with the effects of certain medicines making the treatment smooth and successful without risk of skin infections.
Cosmetic surgeons are qualified doctors with expertise in new technologies to reduce side effects. PCA Skin pigment gel is m go to,
Also, day by day, new technologies are being developed and treatments are practiced to minimize the side effects of laser treatments.
Since herbal is a natural treatment, it is much safer, and free from any chemicals, though recommended to be done under the guidance of an expert.
Essential oils may be used in some herbal therapies and would need correct measurements and combinations. Check out some top-rated essential oils here.
Thus, an expert or a professional would do the work perfectly without letting harm to the skin.
Many bleaching products are available in the market, however, can be used for treatments under the guidance of experts to avoid any damage to the skin since doctors and dermatologists better understand clinical trials that must be passed by these bleaching creams before they are released to the market.
Bleaching may be harsh on the skin if used excessively.
Thus, using frequent and excessive bleaching products is not recommended so think it wisely and find the best skin bleaching that will least affect your skin.
After treatment, some lotions, creams and skin healing agents can be applied to reduce the side-effect of skin-bleaching chemicals.
Also, natural remedies like aloe vera, coconut oil, rose water, sandalwood is known as good skin healing agents.For me personally, I swear by petroleum jelly whenever I`ve had any work done that needs moisturizing,
Glutathione skin whitening treatment is termed to be without any side effects and gluten can be used for long-term too.
Another top product for skin lightening is this one here, it`s not tested on animals, is vegan-friendly, is Alcohol, paraben, and sulfate-free.
Conclusion: Keeping The Skin Healthy
Altogether, skin whitening treatments have successfully resulted in building up a new look and confidence in the men and the women who feel they need lighter skin.
After the treatments, it is equally important to keep the skin healthy and protected.
Some safety majors include using sunscreen lotions as recommended by the experts, covering the skin with appropriate clothing when required.
Keeping the skin clean, drinking an adequate amount of water, eating fruits regularly, having a nutritious diet and sleeping for eight hours.
One would look beautiful naturally, however, the skin whitening treatments are a blessing for enhancing the texture of the skin.
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No wonder that everyone loves to have soft, smooth, glowing, healthy, and younger-looking wrinkle-free skin, isn’t it?
While these treatments may be relatively safe, they don’t seem all that natural. I guess some people will do anything for beauty, but I like your recommendation of getting good nutrition and plenty of sleep each night.
While sunscreen does protect the skin from burning, the ingredients are absorbed into your body, so make sure you aren’t using anything that is toxic.
thanks for stopping by,skin whitening treatments are more common that we want to imagine even if they are not safe.I think everyone should know what`s best for them not only now but think long term.
Skin whitening treatment is quite popular in my city. I think is influenced by the ‘beauty standard’ in my country: while and smooth skin. However, I’m curious if the treatment has a great success rate? A friend of mine has undergone skin whitening treatment for a long time, but her skin doesn’t become whiter too much (or maybe just a bit). Does genetic play a part in the success rate of the treatments? I’ve been quite curious about the answer. Hope to hear your opinion soon.
thanks for stopping by, I know women in Jamaica and Africa with dark skin tone do try to lighten skin tone, personally, I have never felt the need to lighten my skin color as it`s unsafe and unhealthy for the skin. Having said that, I think people living in sunny places will have it hard lightening skin color as the harsh sun will make it hard in the first place.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi, Enjoyed your article. I never thought about lightening my skin. I actually didn’t know that people did that.
I have a question with this regiment:
“Glutathione Skin Lightening Treatments” with injecting gluten in the body. Would it be safe to say that if you are gluten intolerant with food, would this be the same thing?
People say that beauty is skin deep- I prefer to say it is beyond that. True beauty can be found in the heart!
Awesome information!
All my best,
Donna Rayne
Thanks Donna, Personally I do not believe in skin lightening, even after a month on the beach everyday, I love the healthy look my skin gets but having said that, everyone, to their own, there are people who chose skin lightening.
Hi, I enjoyed your article. Your website looks awesome and I am curious with the Glutathione Skin Lightening Treatments injecting gluten in the body. I don’t think it would be safe for gluten intolerant people right?
What is your opinion on beauty? There are all kinds of ways to be beautiful and why do some people want to lighten their skin? How long does the whitening last? What are the long term side effects? Have you ever had a whitening treatment?
Your article was extremely informative and will help in making a sound decision on what to get done and in which one to choose.
Fabulous article,
Donna Rayne
Hello Donna
I tried to lighten my skin once when I was very young but gave up before I even started, I hated the way the skin lightening cream made my skin and face sweat so profusely and my body feeling slippery,it was not a nice feeling at all.
But, it was just ignorance of youth, I love my skin the way it is.
I have always had a negative perspective of the skin whitening or lightening products or procedures that are offered in the market, as I thought they were playing into the misplaced idea that having light or white skin was somehow better or more desirable, plus many were unsafe or harmful. After reading through your post, I have come away thinking differently.
If you look at the different procedures that are available, it is clear that many offer real value over the lightening or whitening aspect. Cleansing and refreshing the skin is not a bad thing and if they are properly administered, can be very helpful. I did not know there were so many options either.
As to whether they are safe or not, it appears the answers are all over the map, but in general, unless the procedures are not followed for each option, they can be tried with minimal risk. Perhaps to make the whole concept more palatable to the likes of me, the emphasis could be on the healthy aspects versus the lightening aspects…
The market is huge and growing, so no matter how I may feel, there are many people that like these treatments and are using them on a regular basis. I now understand why over and above the skin whitening or lightening aspect why they would want to have these done…
There is always a saying that beauty comes from the inside and I`m a firm believer in that. Having said that, skin lightening is widespread and popular as women(mostly young adults) consider lighter skin to be beautiful something I can not understand.
Skin lightening I think will always be there as there is money to be made in the industry, manufacturers will just not stop manufacturing and looking for profit, so be it safe or not, I think it`s there to stay.
I just hope and wish anyone looking into skin lightening should look at the long term side effects.
So I must give my honest opinion. Skin whitening is definitely for the vain. It seems people will definitely go to all costs to stay beautiful. However I do appreciate the fact that you do mention a more natural product Zeta-White. I do understand that many people (men & women) bleach their skin, so giving a safer alternative such as this at least guides them into being more careful. I do agree that best health measures comes from drinking plenty of water, eating nutritiously, and sleeping for 8 hours. Needless to say this was still an interesting article, as I am sure there are many folks who do like to use this method for beauty, who will benefit from it.